Members receive the annual Allen Bird Club program booklet filled with details about the Club and all our events… Year-round Field Trips, Bird Counts, Picnics, and Evening Programs.
All for as little as $15.00 per year!
Trips: The ABC runs more than fifty birding field trips each year, including short walks, longer car trips, and overnight/weekend getaways. Guests are welcome. All trips and events are listed in our annual program booklet.
Bird Counts: Members are invited to participate in any or all of our yearly bird counts – A spring count in May, a breeding bird count in June, and two Christmas Bird Counts in December. Join a team and learn how to collect and record bird presence data for citizen science projects.
Picnics: We host a Fall Hawkwatch Picnic on Blueberry Hill in Granville, and we often host a Summer Picnic in July as well. Both events have become popular with members because we couple good birding with home-cooked food and lots of fun!
Evening Programs: The ABC sponsors monthly meetings from October through May giving members the opportunity to share recent sightings at their bird feeders, become informed about current conservation issues and bird news, and enjoy a program presented by a notable guest speaker. The meeting is capped off with refreshments and homemade goodies at our hospitality table.
New Friends: Club members enjoy sharing their birding knowledge and helping each other sharpen skills. Meet some of us by joining in on a field trip or attending one of our evening programs.