If you are a new member, joining after April 1, your membership is extended through the following year. The names of paid members and honorary members are listed in our annual program booklet, solely for use by members for club purposes.
By Mail - download our membership form here.
Online - Provide the following information as you wish it to appear in the membership section of the Allen Bird Club program booklet, using the 'Notes/Comments' box to provide more information and/or to add a second person to the membership. Be sure to click “Submit” when you are done. Once submitted, you will be taken to the payment area. Thank you!
The Allen Bird Club is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. All contributions, including membership dues, are tax-deductible.
Membership Levels: Student ($10.00), Individual ($15.00), Family ($20.00), Supporting ($30.00), Sustaining ($50.00), and Sponsoring ($85.00).
Gift memberships are available at any level, by filling in the recipient's information below.
Only $5, shipping included.
Option to purchase will be available once you submit your membership information.