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Nighthawk Watch at Longmeadow Flats

Longmeadow Flats

August 22, 2024

Alan and Lois Richardson

Twenty-two Allen Bird Club members spent a perfect late summer evening watching the sky for migrating Common Nighthawks.  Some of these birds flew over early (lucky Bill P. was there before 6:30 to catch them) and more after many people had left, but come they did, for a total of 20.

While we watched and waited, there was other bird activity to see.  What seemed like nearly a hundred Chimney Swifts and a few Tree Swallows swirled around over the viewing platform where we stood.  We watched huge flocks of blackbirds (starlings, grackles, and Red-winged Blackbirds) rise up and settle back down in the treetops, while Cedar Waxwings sallied out for insects in the lower bushes.

Wood Ducks and Mallards flew over, and we picked out a couple of Double-crested Cormorants and Great Blue Herons.  Northern Flickers and a Belted Kingfisher called out to get our attention.

It was a very pleasant evening toward the end of our club birding season to meet new club members as well as greet long time birding friends.