Dan Burt
Seven participants braved an early morning cold and windy start to a wonderful day of bird watching. As is typical the day started at the Jodrey State Fish Pier which provided a viewing of the typical candidates such as the Common Eiders, Surf Scoters, Long-tailed ducks and Double-crested Cormorants along with others. As the trip proceeded to Rocky Neck beach and Niles Beach more ducks were added such as the Red-breasted Merganser, Bufflehead, White-winged Scoter along with an adult Bald Eagle. At Eastern point we were graced with a great viewing of a Green-winged Teal.
Moving back up the shoreline we were on the lee side of the cape providing much awaited warmth. Stopping at Niles Pond we were not disappointed as restricted open water due to ice that developed during the previous cold weather conditions contained its occupants. Many ducks were on display with great late morning lighting. Among the ducks seen were Ruddy, Greater Scaup, Ring-necked, Mallard, Wood Duck and 25 Hooded Mergansers. On to the Elks parking lot along Atlantic Ave, where we got a view of more Scoters, Red-necked Grebes, a Black Guillemot and 3 Northern Gannets. After taking a lunch break, we continued on our journey with a stop at Pebble Beach, which had a limited viewing due to the angle of the sun. Around the corner lay Loblolly cove which gave us a viewing of the Harlequin Ducks, another Black Guillemot and a couple of Northern Harriers. Our last stop was Old Granite Pier which provided more of the previously seen ducks and gulls. As there was a rare bird sighting in our path home, we made a side trip to Mass Audubon’s Ipswich River Wildlife Sanctuary for a Scissor-tailed Flycatcher, which a couple of lucky participants had the opportunity to see. Also at the location we had a viewing of a Merlin flyover and landing in a distant tree.
All in all, everyone had a great day of birdwatching with a total of 50 species.